20 Oct Canstruction Boston
“The Canley Cup” Awarded Best Use of Labels at Boston Canstruction 2011
October 20, 2011
The build team included: Jake Mercer, Anthony DiFelice, Danny Spelfogel, Chris Santoro, Keith Boyle, Doug Carr, Nicholas Griffin, John Harding, Ben Scott.

Accepting the Award for "Best Use of Labels" are (from left to right) Anthony DeFelice, Jake Mercer, Nick Griffin, Ben Scott, Chris Santoro, John Harding
About Canstruction
Canstruction is the most unique food charity in the world!
Canstruction, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that holds annual design and build competitions to construct fantastic, giant sized, structures made entirely out of canned food. In each city after the structures are built and the winners declared the creations go on view to the general public as giant art exhibits. At the close of the competitions all of the food used in the structures is donated to the local food banks for distribution to community emergency feeding programs.
Learn more: http://www.canstruction.org/