10th Anniversary Celebration – CUBE 3 Studio’s First Employees
CUBE 3 is well-known nationally as a design industry and innovation leader—providing thoughtful, individualized solutions for a wide range of architectural, interior design and planning challenges. Offices in Lawrence, Boston and Miami.
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10th Anniversary Celebration – CUBE 3 Studio’s First Employees

10th Anniversary Celebration – CUBE 3 Studio’s First Employees

CUBE 3 Studio has grown substantially within the last 10 years, but we are lucky to have some of our first employees still a part of our team.  They have been major contributors to not only exceptional projects, but also an integral part of our culture. In celebration of our 10th year, we want to take a moment and look back at CUBE 3 Studio’s beginning and who was part of it. Incidentally, they also happen to share the partners’ name (though we were assured that was not a hiring requirement).

Brian Cussen – 11 years!

Brian met Nik Middleton whiJulieSurettePhotography_CUBE-3-BCussenle constructing his house in Atkinson NH prior to CUBE 3 Studio’s establishment. After getting hired by Nik to do landscaping and finishing touches to the house, Brian went to school at Roger William’s University where he pursued his degree in Architecture. In 2004, when CUBE 3 Studio opened its doors, Brian started working as an intern, the 3rd official employee.

Brian is now a Design Manager, having worked on a vast amount of projects, from inception to completion.  He had the opportunity to work on some of CUBE 3 Studio’s earliest projects, including University of Louisiana at Monroe campus master planning and CVS / Caremark corporate headquarters in Rhode Island (click here to see our corporate projects). He has also been involved in all CUBE 3 Studios’ Elliot healthcare projects, Southern New Hampshire University Dining facility, and multiple test-fit and site planning for multi-family residential projects.

Some of his favorite memories include having to pack another fellow employee’s computer every Friday night as there weren’t enough computers for the number of employees, sharing a desk with a new hire while new furniture was being ordered, and Friday afternoon game time, which involved all the employees in the office.

Nicholas Griffin – 10 years!

JulieSurettePhotography_CUBE-3-NGriffinNick started working as an intern for CUBE 3 Studio in January 2005. At the time, CUBE 3 Studio had only been established for one year, and had a total of 5 employees. Nick was approached through his high school architecture teacher, after another of our first employees – Brian Cussen – had started searching for another intern to help while Brian returned to college for another semester.

Now a Design Manager, Nick has had the opportunity to work on a multitude of projects, including: The Elliot at River’s Edge, The Elliot Medical Center at Londonderry, and a multitude of residential projects around the state (click here to see our residential projects).

Nick worked at CUBE 3 Studio while pursuing his Undergraduate and Master’s degree in Architecture at Roger Williams University – which he finished in 2010. He specifically remembers having to build the office furniture after every office expansion to accommodate the new employees, racing remote control cars through the undeveloped parking lot with other members of the office, and winning large at the first office Vegas inspired Holiday Party (and subsequently ever since).
