16 Jun CUBE 3 Studio Internships
CUBE 3 has seen some changes! We recently expanded & renovated our space and welcomed some new employees. Conversely, we were sad to see our interns, Rachel and Olivia, returning to Wentworth Institute of Technology at the end of April. We wish them all the best as they continue their studies.
We would like to introduce these recent additions to the CUBE 3 Team! To assist with their assimilation, we’ve highlighted some information from their bios:
From: Marlborough, CT
Studies: Junior (Third Year) at Wentworth Institute of Technology studying Architecture with a concentration in Urban Design
Fun Facts: On the soccer team at Wentworth – enjoys traveling, taking photos, listening to music, cooking and exploring the city of Boston!
Goals: To expand her experience working on a design team and get a better understanding of how the real-life design process works!
From: Greenwich, NY
Studies: Working towards her Bachelors in Fine Arts for Interior Design at Endicott College in Beverly, MA
Fun Facts: She traveled to six countries this past fall, she is adopted from Seoul, South Korea and she has two nephews and one niece.
From: Originally from Alexandria, Egypt. Currently resides in Boston, MA
Studies: B.Arch from Wentworth and will be returning for the Master’s Program in the fall of ’16.
Fun Facts: He likes fishing, hiking, camping, and swimming.
Nathan Klein
From: Originally from Austin, TX. Currently resides in Boxford, MA
Studies: Bachelors of Fine Art in Architecture and a minor in Information Technology from University of Massachusetts – Amherst, MA
Fun Facts: Played alto sax in the UMass Minuteman Marching Band all four years he was there. Now, in his free time, he runs a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with his friends.
Welcome to the team!