14 Oct CANstruction 2021
Amazing things like building a replica of the game “Life” with cans and jars don’t just happen, they take an insatiable need for fun and a great team! Thanks to ours for coming together to participate in this year’s Canstruction event at the BSA in Boston, where teams compete to build interesting structures with full cans of food that are then later donated to the Merrimack Valley Food Bank. Our team worked hard to make our individual design come to life utilizing 1,400 cans, jars, and boxes of cereal. We look forward to working with this great cause every year and created this quick, time lapse video so you can see how we do what we do.
C3 Build team: Caroline Golota, Erin Keating, Keith Boyle, Michele Quinn Littlefield, and Shelley Warner.
Additional help from: Alycya Boisvert, Clint Comer, Katarina Wabrek, Marilys De La Vega, Nicole Chronister, Nick Sommer, and Stephen Parsons